#THISISMYADVENTURE — Ben Wright climbs 214 Wainwrights in 365 days
THERE was a single moment that engineer Ben Wright can pinpoint as the catalyst for his commitment to bagging the infamous group of 214 Wainwrights. Confined to the perimeter around his hometown during the UK’s second national Coronavirus lockdown, Ben hiked up the Hoad Monument in Ulverston and was inspired:
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“It was a really still, clear day and from the top I could see right across the fells of the Lake District,” explains Ben. “I promised myself that as soon as the lockdown was over I would take on the Wainwrights. As I love a challenge, I committed to completing them in a year.”
Living so close to the Lakes, Ben has relished getting out and about in the mountains since he was a child, though he started his challenge having only hiked two famous Wainwright peaks, Coniston Old Man and Helvellyn.
“The day lockdown was over I re-climbed Coniston Old Man; the second I got to the top I had the bug for it again,” he continues. “I knew it would be hard to do it in a year, but as I work shifts — three 13-hour days on, followed by four days off — I felt confident that I would do it. Initially, it was quite tricky to plan routes as I wasn’t familiar with using maps, but I started going with other people and I quickly grew in confidence so I could head out solo. I found that while I love going in a group with likeminded people, heading out on your own can really clear your head.”
With a need to get as many summits in during each day as possible, Ben used a Wainwright map alongside apps and began planning his own routes linking trails and peaks together.
“Initially, I wasn’t prepared in terms of kit,” says Ben, who is currently training to be a personal trainer. “I had a down jacket and tried to go out in the rain, which was a disaster. The most challenging summit was Kirk Fell; I’d planned to do six Wainwrights with my friend but as soon as we set off the heavens opened. The ascent was horrendous and when we reached the top I was close to hypothermia. We had to cut the hike short and head home.
“I also had a difficult hike up Tarn Crag and Grey Crag in four foot snow and zero visibility.”
Ben, who says he hiked 60 percent of the way solo, finished his challenge in May on Haystacks, Alfred Wainwright’s most treasured walk and the hill his ashes were scattered on.
“On the day, it was raining but it was still an amazing feeling,” Ben continues. “My personal favorite Wainwright is Pavey Ark; there are so many different terrains, some beautiful waterfalls on the way up and a scramble up Jack’s Rake which adds a challenge.”
Ben finished his challenge in May on Haystacks
Social media has played a momentous role in Ben’s journey:
“I’ve done a lot of the walks with people I’ve met through hiking groups on Instagram and Facebook,” he says. “I started my Instagram page just posting stories of the summits I was hitting, as a way to prove to myself and to hold myself accountable. Soon, it became more about inspiring people to get outside and enjoy the Lake District. I’ve met some incredible new people along the way and formed some great friendships.”
As a man who likes to get up and go, Ben says he can’t rest for very long:
“I’ve been exploring Wales a lot more recently, and I’m soon set to walk the National Three Peaks — Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike — in 24 hours for charity. I also hope to do Everest Base Camp at some point.
“My advice for anyone looking to start the Wainwrights would be to choose an easy one, such as Hallin Fell, with good views and a relatively steady ascent. Research safe routes and try to go with someone with some experience if you can, even if just for the first couple. Most of all, enjoy the journey, you won’t regret starting.”
Ben climbed all 214 Wainwrights in a year and has now set himself some fresh challenges