Gym Workout to Improve Hiking/Fell Walking - Adventure Fit
We’ve teamed up with the fitness experts at Coreworx to bring you this ultimate fell walking/hiking workout. Adding this to your current weekly routine will help build muscle and stability in all the right places whilst improving your general endurance.
Your body will be able to take you up mountains faster and carry you further, than ever before.
The Workout:
A - Cardio Ramp (warm-up):
A1: 3 minutes stair master
*start at walking pace and increase speed every 30 seconds.
B - Strength Training
The leg-dominant strength section will focus mainly on developing your glutes, hamstrings and quads, giving you extra strength and power to move you up the mountain side more efficiently.
B1: Deadlifts
Six sets - 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 10
B2: Medicine Ball Slams
Six sets - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Superset* these two exercises with one minute rest inbetween.
*Do one exercise for the prescribed number of reps and then immediately start the second exercise.
Deadlift starting position.
Top of the deadlift.
Medicine Ball Slam
Starting position.
Middle of the lift.
Last position before slamming the ball to the floor.
C - Accessory Work
For this routine the accessory work focuses on improving your stability, helping to keep you injury free on unpredictable mountain terrain. As with the strength section, do these exercises in a continuous circuit four times, with 30 seconds rest between rounds.
C1 : Box Step-ups
Six reps on each leg.
C2: Inverted Rows
Twelve reps.
C3: Burpees
Eight reps.
Box Step-ups
Start with one foot on the box.
Step up, then repeat.
Inverted Row
Inverted row starting position.
Inverted row end position.
Burpee starting position.
Burpee mid-position.
Burpee end position.
D - Conditioning
The final section of the workout focuses on increasing your endurance, pushing yourself to the limit and developing that all important cardiovascular staying power needed for long hikes and steep ascents.
As with the previous sections, complete these exercises one after the other in a circuit, for two rounds with one minute rest inbetween.
D1 - 3 Mins Max Effort Airbike
D2 - 2 Mins Max Effort SkiErg
D3 - 1 Min Max Effort Barbell Clean and Press
Barbell Clean & Press
Start of the movement
Top of the clean & press
D4 - 2km Row
Finish the workout with a 2km row, as fast as possible. Try and beat your time each workout.
Click here to download a printable copy of the workout.